welcome to
downtown cordele

Whether you’re just passing through or this is your home station, we welcome you to Downtown Cordele and invite you to spend some time checking out our local businesses and attractions, and maybe even an event or two. From parks to trains to art to food trucks, we’ve got a growing array of enticements to spark your interest. We may be small, but our hearts are large and our hospitality is overflowing! If you’re looking to step off the tracks and savor the slower pace of small-town rural Georgia, Downtown Cordele may be just the ticket.
sam shortline
No stop in Cordele would be complete without a ride on the SAM Shortline Excursion Train, and that goes for locals, too! (Really, if you live here and you’ve not taken advantage of this incredible scenic voyage out to Plains and back, you’re missing out on one of Cordele’s true gems.) The air-conditioned vintage rail cars (c. 1949) present a charming vantage point to view the romantic and pastoral vistas of South Georgia, and you’ll have the opportunity to step off at depots in Georgia Veterans State Park, Leslie, Americus, Plains and Archery to explore the various historic sites, museums and downtowns. Purchase tickets and hop aboard at the depot in Downtown Cordele!

full steam ahead!
Looking for more to do in Downtown Cordele? You’re on the right track! From shopping to train-viewing to murals and more, we have much to explore and are growing more each and every day. Check out these links to our current attractions and businesses, and if you’re feeling particularly adventurous, take a trip to the future with a look at our vision for downtown development!